Oral surgery

Oral surgery includes the procedures that are crucial for the preparation of the oral cavity for future steps, such as tooth or root extractions, removal of gingival tissue excess, bone  augmentation.

Conscious sedation

Upon request, any procedure can be performed under conscious sedation. Sedation is a state of semi-consciousness, to which the patient is brought through drugs acting on the central nervous system and reducing the feeling of fear. During the sedation, the patient is conscious but does not feel pain or discomfort. The anesthesiologist constantly monitors the vital functions.

Most frequent oral surgery procedures


A procedure that removes an inflammatory process, cyst or granuloma from the apex of the root. It is performed after root canal treatment, while inflammation, cyst or granuloma are still present.


Removal of an enlarged frenulum by incision, excision or transposition of the tissue at the frenulum level. The frenulum formes in the interdental space between the anterior upper incisors. After frenulectomy, the patient usually undergoes orthodontic therapy to close the diastema.


The reasons for the formation of cysts are numerous, but it is almost always inflamed epithelial tissue, from which a cyst is formed over time. If the cyst is not removed, it continues to grow, damaging the surrounding tissue. An artificial bone can be added to the empty space left after the cyst is removed to facilitate healing.


A procedure used to correct assymetries around the tooth neck.


Procedure for the removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually grow properly and painlessly. But if it happens that the direction of their growth is incorrect or if there is not enough space inside the oral cavity for normal tooth growth, either due to other teeth, bone or soft tissue, swelling and pain can occur. In these cases, an alveotomy is performed.

Sinus lift

Procedure applied to return lowered maxillary sinuses to their natural physiological position in order to obtain the vertical dimension required for implant placement. In the empty space that remains, artificial bone is added to give stability to the implants. During this procedure, the trauma for the patient is minimal.

Alveolar ridge leveling

This procedure aligns the alveolar ridge, correcting bone defects caused by tooth extraction, in both jaws. This way, we get the perfect base for implant placement and the subsequent prosthetic replacement.

Other procedures

Besides the described procedures, oral surgery deals even with other issues that need to be solved out of functional or aesthetic reasons. Those procedures are:

  • alveotomy of residual root
  • molar hemisection
  • surgical treatment of minor wounds of the oral cavity
  • vestibuloplastics / tuberoplastic
  • various incisions
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